Youth Cricket

As one of Wiltshire's leading cricket clubs, Trowbridge Cricket Club are proud to offer extensive opportunities for youth cricket from ages 5 and up. Whether for players just being introduced to the sport or for experienced juniors seeking a better standard of facilities, Trowbridge Cricket Club welcome everyone with open arms to join our ever growing club.

Our practice facilities are second to none. With a 3 lane all-weather practice net facility, extensive training equipment and vast outfield providing opportunities for players of all ages to progress throughout their cricketing career. Our 3 senior Saturday league sides regularly feature junior players, with a defined pathway from junior to senior cricket focusing on progression with the aim for all Trowbridge Cricket Club junior players to ply their trade in senior cricket with the club for life.

During the winter we offer weekly indoor training sessions, starting from February and running up until the Spring when outdoor training begins. More advanced junior players are also welcome to join our weekly indoor and outdoor senior training sessions which take place weekly (twice weekly in the summer months) from January to September.

For all youth cricket enquiries, please contact our Head of Youth Cricket - Ali Holbrook - [email protected]