Following on from the introduction of new government guidelines relating to COVID 19, Trowbridge Cricket Club would like to reiterate the following restrictions that will be enforced from Thursday 24th September onwards. These restrictions are legally necessary for Trowbridge Cricket Club to remain open and will be in place for the forseeable future:
- All customers will be required to wear a face covering upon entry/exit to the club and during movement around the club. Customers will be permitted to remove their face covering once seated.
- Completion of the Track and Trace form must be provided, this is a legal requirement and anyone refusing to complete the form will not be permitted entry.
- Tables will be served via table service only, please await a member of the bar staff visiting your table to place your order.
- Tables are strictly limited to 6 per table - groups should not mix between tables and should remain seated except when using club facilities or entering/leaving. The re-arrangment of furniture is not permitted.
- The club will close at 10pm sharp, last orders will be taken at 9.30pm.
These restrictions are all legal requirements for Trowbridge Cricket Club to remain trading, we ask that you all follow the guidelines set and remain patient with our bar staff during the coming months - thank you in advance for your